October Turmeric Curcurmin Giveaway
October RAN Turmeric Giveaway GIVEAWAY RULES AND FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Eligibility You must be 18 years old or older. You must be a legal resident of the US and have a US postal address where the product can be sent. Rapid Action Nutrition sincerely apologizes for excluding international customers (we so appreciate all of you!) but international laws are difficult and added to that, shipping is too pricey. We hope you understand. You may only win one Rapid Action Nutrition contest of any kind in a 12 month period unless expressly noted. Sponsor All Rapid Action Nutrition giveaways are in...
CNN: Turmeric Helps Knee Pain

CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, "...already good evidence that turmeric can help control knee pain from arthritis as well as decrease the likelihood of a heart attack after bypass surgery." CNN is a trademark of CABLE NEWS NETWORK, INC.#rapidactionnutrition
Can Keto BHB Help You Live Longer?

Two independent studies from last year state that ketogenic diets, if followed full time, appear to improve the odds of living longer and remembering better. #rapidactionnutrition
Saw Palmetto is the "Florida Treasure"

Stephen Hill, MS in Science from University of Florida: "Saw Palmetto Extract has incredible health attributes, and is an extremely valuable natural commodity, therefore we must protect the berries, not only for men's health but for the natural ecosystem and wildlife in Florida." Most Saw Palmetto berries come from Florida. #rapidactionnutrition
Add Collagen to Many Foods

Collagen is one of the most common proteins found in the body and it is very important for skin, hair and bone health. You can add our Collagen Peptides powder to your food and drinks. Its mild flavor makes it a great addition. #rapidactionnutrition